The Method "ARMANI" is exclusive of the Centre "ARMANI", the result of years of research, experience and application of energy-prana radiation by the imposition of hands or placing in the pranotherapy points on the human body.


Some of the diseases
TREATED WITH pranotherapy:

Acne - Alcohol problems - Anxieties - Anorexia - Allergies (asthma, colds), Angina, Arthritis
Breast nods, Blisters, Bronchitis, Cellulities, Colitis, Cystis, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Fibroma, General bad feelings, Hepatitis, Hair loss, Haemorrhage, Hernia, Kidneys, Migraines, Nervous breakdown, Enuresis, Phobias and Hypertension, Lung porblems, Muscular atrophy and dystrophy, Neuritis, Obesity, Pain, Panic attacks, Post-surgery problems, Neurosis, Psoriasis, Paralysis of face, Rheumatism, Smoking problems, States of confusion, Sinusitis, Sterility, Stress, Thyroid dysfunctions, Traumas, Ulcers, Problem gambling, Gambiling addiction


This page will deepen some of the diseases that can be treated
at our center pranotherapy "ARMANI".

It is a skin disease characterized by red stains on the skin and white dandruff; most often we find these on elbows and on the head.
The causes of Psoriasis are still unknown although many hypothesis have been made. This is why there are many difficulties of treatment. The Armani breath therapy centre treats cases this irreversibile problem of the skin with great possibilities of complete healing. (see Evidence) Evidence)

Migraines, or strong headaches, can have many causes and millions of people suffer from it. Sometimes it is irreversible and it can be difficult for traditional medicine to cure it. The Armani breath therapy centre has solved many of these cases healing them completely. (see Testimonies)

This addiction brings about intoxication of tobacco over time because of too much smoking. In the Armani breath therapy centre with the Armani method of the expert Armani this addiction can be cured in one session.

A symptom of reaction mostly collectively which invades the patient in front of a real or imaginary danger taking away the capacity of reflection and pushing the person to escape or to irresponsable actions. In the Armani centre many people were cured from this negative sufferance.

These are dull or strong pains, tension and limitations of movement breath therapy treats these types of disorder and can sometimes bring about complete healing. In the Armani centre of breath therapy there are many patients who undergo breath therapy sessions for this kind of problem. With the Armani method the success of healing is guaranteed, even complete cure. At the "ARMANI" Pranotherapy Center there are many people who turn to and undergo Pranotherapy applications for this kind of painful problems - with the "ARMANI" application method you can get significant improvements and even healing.
(Testimonials written in case studies at the "ARMANI" Pranotherapy Center)

Nervous tiredness which provokes general bad feelings and vague general symptoms: insomnia, lack of appetite and difficulties in concentration. With breath therapy in the Armani centre with the Armani Method these kind of disorders are treated succesfully with improvements and there are also cases of complete healing.
(Testimonianze in casistica al Centro di Pranoterapia “ARMANI”)

Impossibility to have children. In the Armani Centre of breath therapy two cases of sterility have been cured.

Psycho-physical tiredness. It can be healed with breath therapy in the Armani breath therapy centre with Armani method.

Anomaly of aesthetic kind of women. Inflammation of issues under the skin and near the "viscere". It can be treated succesfully with the Armani method in the Armani centre.

Serious reduction of physical and psychological efficiency. These cases can well be treated with the breath therapy in the Armani breath therapy centre with the Armani method.

It is a skin disease which can be especially found in young people, due to the inflammation of the follicles of hair especially on the face. Breath therapy has a anti-inflammatory component and treats these cases very well up to complete healing and the disappearance of acne with the Armani method.
See Evidence. Evidence.

It is a disease which hits the nervous system or the brain. The epileptic is not incurable and he should not feel like an outcast of society. Epilepsy is characterized by a sudden excess of convulsions during which the ill person loses consciousness but has many other symptoms such as insomnia, irritability, depression, headache, gastro-intestinal disorders and general bad feelings. It has various origins and manifestations with discontinuous attacks. Epilepsy can be treated well with breath therapy reducing the number of attacks and in some cases with complete success of healing.


The Centre "ARMANI" has a series of pranotherapy of thousands of testimonies of persons subject to applications with amazing results pranotherapy improvement and complete healing.
People in their state of health were considered chronic and irreversible.

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